What are the processing steps of sheet metal case cabinets?
Visit:1041 Date:2022-06-08
1. The first thing that is carried out is the feeding process of the chassis cabinet. On -site workers will cut the appropriate size part materials based on the design drawings from large plates. After the feeding is finished, the workers will use a marked pen mark on the surface of each material.
2. Then the material will be sent to a CNC punch/cutting machine for punching/cutting process. After the stamping/cutting is completed, the part is removed by the micro -connection, and then the bend will be sent to the bend. In the bending process, the main consideration is the selection of tools, bending sequence, bending compensation, and bending interference.
3. Finally, according to the situation of the product of the chassis cabinet, welding, polishing, painting, assembly, and packaging may be performed.